Our handbags are designed to withstand the test of time, thanks to our strong requirements on materials and to the quality and savoir-faire of our artisans.
But in case of undetected defect or abnormal wear of your handbag, we offer warranty without any limit in time.
With our artisans, we will always favor repairing a product in the first place. But if it is necessary, we could replace it for an identical product or an equivalent if the original model is no longer available. It will also help us to ensure the recycling of any product is properly executed.
Small leather goods
Our small leather goods are designed to withstand the test of time, thanks to our strong requirements on materials and to the quality and savoir-faire of our artisans.
But in case of undetected defect or abnormal wear of your product, we offer 3-year warranty from the date of purchase of your small leather goods.
With our artisans, we will always favor repairing a product in the first place. But if it is necessary, we could replace it for an identical product or an equivalent if the original model is no longer available. It will also help us to ensure the recycling of any product is properly executed.